
danandiii.jpg“You suffered along with those in prison, and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.” Hebrew 10:34-35

Can you imagine that? Being imprisoned, everything you own being taken… but continuing to have joy, to be so confident in God’s promises that losing it all doesn’t shake you. What does that say about the God you serve?

That He’s worth it.

I remember when I came to know the Lord in high school, I lost a lot of friends. Some thought I was weird, “too in love with God.” Did that hurt? Yeah, I’m human. It did. But did it change anything about the way I lived? No. Way. I had found a joy, hope, peace, sense of worth, source of wisdom and healing that could never compare to even the best things on earth. I also learned that for every voice that discredits you for your faith, there’s a handful of others who deeply respect and are looking up to you for it.

May we “hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful (Hebrew 10:23).” May we never stop encouraging one another to love well, and to do good. May we persevere through opposition, suffering, and sacrifice, because we know what we’ve found is so much greater. May we remain confident and unshakable in that. May we never shrink back from being who God has called us to be, and doing what He’s called us to do.

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